Monday, May 31, 2010

Diet Diary Day - entry 12


At my weigh in this week I was down 3.2 pounds from last week. Finally! Although I feel like the extra cardio was helping me shrink inches wise, it was really nice to not feel like I was living in the gym last week. It also seemed like I had more energy and stamina in Zumba because I wasn't so tired all the time. I really, really needed some concrete evidence that this whole healthy lifestyle plan was working.

Mid week last week, I tried on a couple things that I bought while Mom was here. While they fit okay then, now they look better - the difference between having to wear control top hose or Spanx to leave the house, and being able to just put on the dress and go. And, on a lark, I tried on a bridesmaid's dress I kept from a wedding I was in almost 10 years ago - and it fit. So now if R and I have an official event to attend, I have a great dress to wear. Even though I think in the 11 years I've known him, we've attended 1 formal military event. But still, if we need to go, we can go without my having to go shopping. I can't tell you how happy that makes me. Pretty freakin' happy, actually!

It's only now that I'm really seeing clearly how much being obese has affected my life. I would have said that it really didn't at this point last year, and that I was continuing on with life in a normal way. The truth is that it affected every part of my life. I didn't want to leave the house most of the time because those looks that fat people get in public? Uh, we SEE those. And they hurt our feelings because believe it or not, we fatties have feelings. Lots of 'em, which I'm willing to bet is at least part of the weight problem to begin with. What also hurts? The commentary on what we are eating, as do the looks from salespeople when we go to look at clothes in stores that don't carry our size (fat people DO buy gifts for people. some of whom are a normal size). Some people use alcohol, drugs, excessive shopping, or gambling to deal with feelings, pain, issues, etc. Some people use food. It's cheaper, it's everywhere, it's legal, and until you're fat, it's acceptable. (Insert breakup ice cream binge scenario here.) I'm just sayin'...

On Saturday, we had to climb a ton of steps to get to one of the raft rides. We ran out of steps and into the back of the line before I ran out of breath. And we were way up there, only about 10 steps from the top to go. I'm not kidding, I felt like I had just climbed a mountain - in a look what I accomplished way and not because I was panting and heaving due to lack of oxygen way.

Progress, people. I am finally back to making progress. YES!

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