But now I'm off track. A-hem. Shrek 4. At the drive in. We had popped our own popcorn to take and the kids were excited about the idea of the movie, even though they didn't quite get the concept of what a drive in was. We headed out in the general direction and I started to program the GPS. Of course our GPS couldn't find the address, no matter which way I spelled it. Stupid GPS. Why I ever think it's going to come through for me after that fiasco in Belgium when it directed me the wrong way up a one way street is a complete mystery to me. Luckily, R had anticipated this issue and printed out directions on Google Maps, so we got there plenty early only to find out that Shrek was sold out. Phooey. I guess lots of other people love drive ins too. I wonder if it has anything to do with Legends of the Fall or Brad Pitt...
Today dawned warm and sunny and with no formal plans. We hung around the house all morning. I had a great talk with Dad, then we all headed to the Y. After working out, we went to McDonalds and got ice cream cones (only 150 calories - totally worth it) and then headed back home. It was so hot the kids didn't want to jump on the trampoline, but they asked if we could hook up the hose and run through water. Good idea. Then I remembered that Mom got the kids a slip and slide for Christmas. So we hooked it up. Our back yard is slanted just enough to make the slip and slide work well. T took to it right away, but what else do you expect from the kid who used to slide down the entire length of the BX aisle in Germany. S took a little more convincing. Before long, R and I slid into the action too. Once S slid down once on my back, she was slipping and sliding like a little pro all by herself. Now, I don't know if slip and slides have undergone massive improvements since the 70's (probably), but it was a smooth ride today. No big lumps of dirt or rocks to stop you in your tracks and there was a small pool of water at the end to slide into. Just all around fun for all of us.

After we disconnected the slip and slide, the kids jumped on the trampoline and looked for rainbows while R sprinkled them with water from the hose. Then the kids wanted to take a turn with the hose, and while T pretty much listened to us about not spraying the neighbors, the house, and us, S was not as diligent. She would spray us and laugh manically. This one is going to be trouble.
But you know what? This weekend was the perfect blend of memories from my childhood with memories I hope my kids will carry of their childhoods. It doesn't get much better than that.
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