Monday, May 3, 2010

Well that will teach me to show off for my husband

I woke up this morning at about 9:30, which is the latest I've slept in weeks. When I got out of bed and got into the shower, I noticed that the left side of my neck was really tight and uncomfortable. The first time I ever had a problem with it was right after I had T. Something about trying to cradle a 12 lb infant and coax them into breastfeeding did not agree with that particular muscle group. I even went to the doctor about it, since every time my Ranger candy wore off (Ranger candy is what R and his Airborne buddies called 800 mg Motrin), I would cry or swear in pain until I could take more. The doctor, bless her heart, gave me muscle relaxers but they still didn't work as well as Ranger candy. I think she might have given me serious narcotics if I had requested them because my appointment with her coincided with Mom leaving to go back home and an absolute hormonal meltdown. As I sobbed uncontrollably in her office insisting that I was okay and not really sad or depressed (and why on earth did she believe me, for crying out loud?!?!), she just patted me on my good shoulder and assured R that all would be okay, but to seek out medical attention if I didn't improve in a day or so. Well, sweetie. That all relies on the meds.

Anyway... a few weeks ago I did something to aggravate that particular set of muscles. While it's normally not anywhere near the pain level I had after T, it's beginning to really bother me and it's not going away. That can't be good. I guess this means weight training yesterday wasn't my brightest idea. Especially since I took some Advil prior to working out so I wasn't feeling any pain until I woke up this morning. But man, did I feel it then. When the shower didn't really help, I went downstairs to take more Advil and to get some sympathy. Interesting tidbit - only R cared that I was hurting. Doggone unfeeling rug rats. Harrumph.

Two hours later and the Advil was having no effect whatsoever. So what did we do? We went to the gym and worked out some more. In my favor, I just did cardio and tried really hard not to do anything to aggravate my neck further. Zumba had just started when R and I finished on the ellipticals, and I tried to talk him into going into class with me. He wasn't interested and it didn't seem fair to make him wait another hour to leave, so we grabbed the kids and headed to the commissary and then home.

The good side of this neck/shoulder pain? We ordered Chinese for dinner (and it was YUMMY) because I couldn't possibly cook in my condition. *snort*

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