Sunday, May 9, 2010

I fell in love today

After an wonderful day that began with breakfast in bed and ended with not having to cook anything or do a single dish all day, the kids and I went to pick up dinner tonight at Pizza Hut. Since we got to the Hut before our order was ready, the kids and I headed to the nearest Moto Mart (which is just down the street from the Handee Mart and the Washee Washee - true story) so I could get some crushed ice and also provide drinks with the dinner I didn't have to cook.

Inside the Moto Mart was a policeman from the local police department as opposed to a non local police department natch, who was nice enough to talk to the kids when we were paying for drinks. T was really shy, but S? Chatty Cathy. Seriously. It went kind of like this: What's your name? Your shirt is blue. What's that? What's that? What's that? What you doing? You have blue eyes. I have blue eyes. This is my mommy. This is my best friend brother T. My daddy has blue eyes. My daddy is at our home. Hey! What is that? What does that do? I have a drink.

Naturally, by the time we got out of there and back to the big red Hutzaria, our food was ready so we picked it up and headed home. I decided to go a different way home than the way we got there, which meant we ended up going the entire length of Main Street in this little town. And, I hate to admit it, but it was love at first sight. I don't know why. Who can explain love? It's something about how so many people were out walking around, the mix of homes and businesses, the small town, homey feel of the place and some deep seated desire I have to live somewhere that I feel like I belong. And for whatever reason, I feel like I belong here. Plus, S has already made friends with local law enforcement. And who couldn't love a town that has a Handee Mart adjacent to the Washee Washee?


Sadie said...

What's a Washee Washee?

Brooke said...

It's a laundrymat/laundry service. I'm going to take a picture of it today and post it to prove I haven't lost my mind.