Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A quick shout out to my related peeps

Me again.

Try not to die of shock that I have been actually updating this thing fairly regularly. TWO posts in ONE day? Unheard of....

I just wanted to say thanks to Dad and Susan for letting us stay there for our (ahem) extended visit and for the wonderful hospitality (and food and beds) we enjoyed while we were there. We are so thankful to have you in our lives and we love you very much.

Thanks also to Mom and Richard for all your help and advice and for distracting the kids while R and I (hopefully) privately freaked out so that the kids were affected the least amount possible. We hope. We really are sorry about the whole toilet thing.

And thanks to our friends and family who made the time to see us and made this visit one of the best ever to North Carolina. You guys rock and we miss and love you all very much. Come on out to St. Louis anytime, but bundle up if you are coming in the winter. I think it's actually colder than Germany here. Who knew?

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