Sunday, January 10, 2010

Oh, the weather outside is frosty....

Quite a cold snap we are having. It started about a week and a half ago, and it's been a long time since I remember it being this cold for this long. When I was in high school, I remember the temperature getting down to a little below 0 degrees for a couple days, and hearing the lady I babysat for talk about the last time she remembered weather this cold. A week or so later, and the cold snap ended, and we went back to more 'normal' temperatures. I was waiting for the school bus thinking that 32 degrees almost felt warm compared to the week before.

Yesterday, we were out running errands and getting to know the area a little more. Side note: we stumbled on downtown Belleville yesterday and I can't wait to go back once it's warm enough to walk around outside with small children without worrying about frostbite. Maybe I worry too much. Hmmm... At any rate, I think it was 15 degrees and I found it to be bearable. Now that's kinda scary. Of course, the leather coat and the gloves helped tremendously.

When we got home, R and I shoveled the driveway and the sidewalks associated with our house. Our neighbors park a vehicle in their driveway, so R and I debated on how far over to shovel because they park as close to 'our side' of the driveway as they can. So while we want to keep our area up to code, so to speak, I have no intention of shoveling any part of their driveway. (Especially since the spectacularly negative meeting with Ms McNeighbornotsofriendly.) But, I also have no idea how strict the show shoveling police are here. In South Dakota, we had 24 hours from the time the snow stopped to clear our area. While R mostly shoveled the driveway after our snow on Thursday, all the blowing wind resulted in a tiny little snow drifts in front of our garage door and on the sidewalk leading to our front door. Since we didn't know, we just shoveled it all, and luckily there was a dividing line in the concrete between our portion of the driveway and the one next door. R made a good point that we should avoid anything that would get our neighbors upset - like shoveling too close to their car - but then I, the queen of second guessing everything, decided they'd more likely be upset if we didn't shovel our full half. Translation: I thought we should shovel our entire half so that every time we pull out of the garage and see their mostly unshoveled side, I'd feel justified in smirking that we did it right and they didn't - even though we are a bunch of driveway blocking, satellite disconnecting mutants. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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