Monday, August 9, 2010

School time

Tonight there was a Kindergarten orientation for parents at T's school.

I love to watch people.

I especially love to watch people who are eyeing other people to determine if they want their kids in the same class as "those people's kids". Sigh.

Grow up people. It was 96 degrees at 6 pm and anyone with a brain is dressing for the weather. And call me sloppy (which is usually a legitimate assessment since I've usually just come from or am heading to the gym), but I prefer cooler, looser clothes to skinny jeans and prada heels. Especially for kindergarten orientation. And also? It isn't going to matter that your makeup cost about $100 an ounce when it's melting off your face just like the $5.00 Maybelline. Maybe you're born with it? ::Snort::

Snarky, judgemental soccer moms aside....I'm excited for T to see his room and meet his teacher on Thursday. I'm also hoping that he will be so enamored with Kindergarten and a room full of new kids that he'll be easier to manage at which point the good behavior will be a habit versus polite getting to know you behavior. Hey, I can dream.

T was super good today. We stayed inside for the most part since walking outside felt like being slapped with eighty four layers of steamy hot, wet wool blankets. Just...yuck.

My sister in law and my niece are coming tomorrow for a visit. Well, technically she's my ex sister in law, but since most of R's family pretty much loathes me, we got the sister in law and divorced the brother. But that's a story for a different day. Plus, this way we get to know how Miss M is doing and see her occasionally. We are so excited. I just hope it's bearable enough weather-wise to be able to do some fun things while they are here. And on that note? Bedtime for me! I started a new workout program today. I have high hopes. Stay tuned.

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