Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ow. Like, seriously. Ow.

I am so sore that it would hurt to type if I could actually move my arms. On Monday, my workout consisted of 30 minutes of cardio circuit and then what seemed like an infinite number of push ups and pull ups. Only this time? I did the push ups on my toes instead of my knees (should have made that switch a month or so ago, but I liked the fact that push ups were getting easy), and the pull ups were done by lying on the floor and pulling up to a weight bar. Kind of like a push up in reverse. I also did a set of bench presses with 35 lb dumbbells. Serious progress. I'm loving it.

And today? Well, I'm paying for all that loving. Because I am ALL kinds of sore. Sore in a good way. But really, really sore. Totally sore.

Today was also T's first full day of Kindergarten with a full class. Not surprisingly, he loved it. Also not surprisingly, the wait to pick him up after school was horrendous. So tomorrow? Mini me is riding the bus (by his request). He gets to ride the big kid bus now - with K-4th graders. I know he'll be just fine, but man... some days he's just such a little man.

After school, we were playing (what else) Super Mario Brothers and I'm just miserable in my muscle soreness. T asks me what's wrong and I tell him that I worked out too hard and I'm sore. He thinks about this for a few minutes and then looks at me, puts his hand on my shoulder, and says, "Mom. You shouldn't work out so hard. It's not good for you to be sore and now you can't play the game well."

At least I know where my priorities should be, right?

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