Tuesday, March 30, 2010

This is exactly why I should never, ever do smug

Yeah. Hi.

Remember that post from yesterday about the whole car audio/stuck cd thing?

A-hem. I emailed my brother on Facebook asking him if he had any suggestions about how I could fix it. Sure! he emails back. Just give me a call.


I call him this afternoon and he gives me a couple things to try. One of them, a last resort sort of thing, was to try and put another cd in and see if the player would take it. First he recommended using a flashlight so look in the player so that I could see the cd and what was going on with the mechanism. Unfortunately, we are a household without a working flashlight. My brother gave me a really nice one about a decade ago, it's multi purpose. It can be a flashlight, a bat, or riot control/self defense. I'm fond of multi tasking. Unfortunately, I cannot find this awesome flashlight. It makes me sad and frustrated. All the flashlights I did manage to find do not work. Even when I changed the batteries.


By now I'm really tired of dealing with this situation at all. At all. So, I grab a cd that I don't mind ruining and put it in. The player takes it, then ejects it, but only that one. What the heck!?!? So I go to put up the cd and I see....the damn Dixie Chicks cd. In the cd/dvd sleeve on the sun visor. No. Way. NO! WAY!

I grab the Diego dvd, put it in the player and it starts to play. This can not be happening. Please tell me that I didn't just spend hours over several days trying to eject a cd that wasn't even in the player in the first place. How is it even possible that I could forget that?!?! Seriously?!? So completely and totally mortifying! Just...wow. And to make it worse, I was stomping around all yesterday afternoon all smug sputtering about how "just because I was female didn't mean I was a complete idiot about all things electronic or mechanical" Some where there's a mechanic and and a car audio specialist laughing their heads off. Yeah, yeah pal. Laugh it up.

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