Friday, March 12, 2010

Now how did THAT happen?

Today I was tired. Tired, tired, and more tired. I did get a work out in, but that didn't help my energy level this afternoon. I think I've inherited a genetic malfunction that causes me to fall asleep wherever I may be if I get still and it's not completely quiet. R tells me I have a sleep button on my butt. Hilarious. But this frequently means that my sitting on the couch while the kids are playing and attempting to blog/read email/facebook/do anything productive results in my getting droopy eyed and if not falling asleep, then at least fighting the urge.

Today was no exception. I wasn't really paying all that much attention when S came up with the phone and said, "I call Grammy" I said "okay" not thinking for one second she could. All of I sudden I heard ringing. That snapped me out of it. I took the phone and looked and darned if she hadn't called Grammy. I have no idea how she did it, but she did the same thing when we were in Germany. She said she was calling Dad and Susan, and darned if she didn't. She continually amazes me, like when she started counting to ten in Spanish or when she counted to 20 today when we were walking into the Y. Then tonight she 'read' (and by that I mean recited) a book to me that we hadn't read together in a long time. I can't wait to see what she does next.

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