Yesterday afternoon, I'm feeling guilty about not working out, so I FB my friend Samantha (who, by the way, has a blog too - and ask her if she's up for Zumba. As much as I love going to Zumba, and I really, really do, it wouldn't be nearly as much fun or motivational if Samantha weren't there too. So, thanks for being my workout partner, Samantha!! I rarely go to the Thursday night class, so I wasn't quite sure what to expect.
Our instructor, all seventeen pounds of her, had apparently just finished the super pump/abs/legs/butt class held right before the Zumba class. I think this because I heard someone comment that she'd changed clothes quickly. I admire her motivation, but from the looks of 90% of the folks leaving the prior class, I have no idea how one (meaning me) would find the energy to do two back to back strenuous classes. But, then again, that's probably why I'm facing such significant changes in order to get healthy.
Class starts and I was breathing hard and sweating by the end of the warm up. The warm up! I ate dinner with my family around 5, Zumba started at 7:30, and I realized by Zumba minute three that coming to this instructor's class with a belly full of broccoli, rice and water was not my brightest idea. But, and I say this with complete sincerity, it was a kick a** class. I didn't catch on to all the steps, and she went a lot faster than I was used to for Zumba, but I loved it. This class was very hip hoppy. I am hippy for miles, but hoppy? Not so much. But I gave it my best shot, and other than causing the girl to my left to slam into me once or twice (DUDE! Mosh pit!) because I wasn't paying close enough attention to the changes in the routine, I really feel like I did okay. It was a strenuous enough workout that I even felt like I might throw up a time or two. I'm totally going back. I'm not quite sure if that makes me motivated or a little sick.

See? The sign would never, ever lie!
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