Anyway! Our analog scale at home is easy to manipulate. Depending on how you stand on it, it could make a difference of up to 10 pounds. That just didn't seem reliable to me. I weighed at both of the Y's I visit. Y #1 had me 30 pounds lighter than my home analog scale, and Y #2 had me about 9 pounds heavier than at home. Now, how on earth am I supposed to figure out how much I actually weigh and how much I've lost? A reliable, digital, scale you suggest? I agree! So. I now have a starting point. No I will not be sharing that number on this blog. Ever. As of Saturday, I was down six pounds. I figure Mondays are bad enough that I don't want to add weighing in to my list of things to do. Yes, it's a cop out. Yes, I know it.
I intended to start the detox phase of the Fat Smash diet again this week, and while I did well with portion control and the foods I ate, I wasn't totally faithful to the detox. I just didn't have it in me this week. By Tuesday at noon, I was seriously considering eating our leather like furniture. I am working out hard enough that I really need protein from lean meat and ingesting the occasional whole grain bread serving isn't going to totally throw me off track. Starting tomorrow, I'm switching to an eating plan very, very similar to the Fat Smash diet that has me eating the same basic foods, just in more defined combinations and with stricter portion control. I'm expecting dramatic results by the end of the first month. Do you hear me stomach and hips? Dra.mat.ic results. Don't let me down.
This weekend, I put on a pair of shorts I haven't been able to wear since 2001. And they fit comfortably. I took the kids swimming Thursday afternoon, and I looked different enough that R asked me if my swimsuit was new. Awesome! He even told me on Sunday that he could see a definite difference in the way I looked. And he does not say such things unless he really sees it and means them. I love that about him.
I took some measurements on Saturday afternoon. I've lost 2 1/2 inches off my waist since February and 11 1/2 inches since last August. Add to that the 6 inches off my thigh - just ONE thigh - and a couple inches off my calf and that's some serious progress. I can also now use the regular blood pressure cuff instead of the large person one based on my bicep measurement. It was a great and motivating weekend.
I can't believe I'm going to do this, but here's a picture of me in October 2008:

Okay, and this is me Easter weekend. I've got some sort of goofy expression on my face, so let's just ignore that. I'm finally able to see progress in pictures. Not so much when I look in the mirror, but this is one of the first times in years that I didn't partially hide behind R when our picture was taken.
You look awesome!! Keep up the good work!! k sward
Thanks, K! You just made my day!
Phenomenal! The new plan is wonderful - much easier than the FatSmash. Thanks for sharing. You are my inspiration!! Love, Chris
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