Sunday, April 11, 2010

It was hot today and I didn't care

It's true! And you want to know why? Because....

we are back in the land of CENTRAL AIR! Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Four years in Germany with no real form of artificial cooling unless you count hovering over the freezer cases in the commissary until someone else elbowed you out of the way has given me a new appreciation for the fabulous invention we call air conditioning. With the exception of our first summer, the summers in Germany really weren't too bad. We bought a portable air conditioner, but you had to vent the hose (about the size of a dryer hose) out of a window or door, so I'm not too convinced that running the air conditioner was all that helpful unless you stood right in front of it, which I usually did. But that made walking away from the cool spot that much worse. Of course, there was always the car a/c, but gas was so expensive that we only relied on that when we had to. Our last summer there, when it got really hot we'd just amble down to the village pool and jump into the slightly above freezing water and voila! problem solved. That is, until our landlords told us all the visitors from the Netherlands (the pool was part of a campsite) were rumored to pee in the pool and that's why none of the locals would go during tourist season. (Say it with me...eeewwwwwwwwwwwww!) No one in their right mind would go any other time because that water could bring on hypothermia in no time flat.

So now here we are in temperature control-ville. And I am a proud and happy citizen. The area we live in is a bit breezy, so for the most part you can open the windows and get a great cross breeze. But when you can't, ya just shut the windows, turn on the a/c, and live in the lap of luxury. No yellow jackets flying in through screen-free open windows, no pesky flies zipping around inspiring 'the ballet of insect killing' (even if it does make the kids giggle uncontrollably), and no spiders recreating their webs on a daily basis. There are a lot of things I miss about Germany, but screenless windows and bugs aren't two of them.

So peace out, peeps! This blogger is going to enjoy the 72 degree artificially created environment.

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