Tuesday, April 6, 2010

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Oh really?

Mom and Richard have been reunited (remember that Peaches and Herb song?)

We met him at the visitor's center on base and signed them in so they could stay at lodging. Of course, it turns out that lodging doesn't turn on the air until April 15 (I guess they are waiting on their tax refund?!?) so they ended up off base anyway. C'est la vie.

It's been quite warm the last week or so. Last night R and I slept as far away from each other as we could because it was so freakin' hot. The window was wide open, the fan was on high, and I was still all heat cranky and hateful. I hadn't turned on the air because downstairs is much cooler, plus we could open the windows and get a cross breeze. But by 5 pm when I was cooking dinner, that cross breeze just ticked me off because I was sweating like I was hiking through South America on the elliptical and all I was doing was making spaghetti. Not a meal that takes a tremendous amount of effort. Or heat.

Mom and Richard came back over for dinner after checking into their hotel and the kids were acting even more tired and cranky. Mom is definitely an outside person, but the kids and I? Not so much. Because they were outside and hot so much today, they were cranky and argumentative just like their mommy. I was standing at the counter making a salad while S was throwing a fit of ear splitting proportions. I heard Mom say, "S. What's the matter?" and the way she said it suggested she hasn't seen S behave this way like every single day since Mom has been here. And I actually started to chuckle, which turned into a giggle, which turned into repressed snort fest. Mom shot me a funny look probably because it was the most pleasant I'd seemed all day so I made myself look busy pretty quick. Over the next hour or two, several things along that line occurred and the only thing I can figure is that Mom is trying to sell stepford grandkids to Richard. Good luck with that one.

Hey - I've got great kids. But they, like me, are far from perfect. If anyone can't deal with that, well...I hate it, but that's kinda the way it is. I don't plan to apologize about that any time soon. And I have to say, Mom isn't fooling Richard one bit. He's been around the kids too much at this point to be fooled into believing anything but the truth.

I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow.

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