Saturday, June 19, 2010

Saturday at the Park

Sometimes, when I'm having trouble with what to write or I'm just really tired, I make notes on or for a blog entry so I have one available for that day. Then I can go back and make it somewhat coherent...err...finish it. Sometimes my notes are better than my actual blog entries. This, I think, is one of them. So I'm going to be lazy and post it instead.

So very tired tonight because of my late night running my mouth. And then running on a treadmill this morning. Every muscle in my body screaming in pain. Kid's gymnastics. Frustration from trying to get the kids' asses in gear to go to Six Flags, where R and George were already hanging out kid free, the lucky ducks.

HADES HOT. Sweaty me, sweaty kids, van a/c can't keep up. Dragging S across the parking lot because she moves slower than drying asphalt. Six Flags is unbelievably crowded. 20 minutes to walk to the park from the car. Driving an hour each way to get to spend 35 min inside the water park, where T throws a fit because they close the wave pool for 15 minutes right after we wade in. I feel ya, bud, but life is full of disappointments just like this.

Tantrums and fighting. Tired kids. George bolting (wisely) for home in the middle of the spectacular display of tantrum emotions. Kids crying because they don't want George to leave. Forcing the kids to go to parents night out. R then wanting to come home and do nothing when we don't have the kids. OMG - seriously?

Dinner out. Strawtini...yumm-o! Laundry, packing, cleaning.


Not done, leaving in the morning anyway.

Calgon....take me away. Actually, just deliver me and the family to NC without the 12+ hours in the car.

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