Monday, June 7, 2010

Diet Diary Day - entry 13

First things first.... weigh in on Saturday and I'm down about 3 more pounds. I say 'about' because I can't remember the .whatever that the digital scale said. If it was .4 I'm down another 3.2. If it said .8, I'm down 2.8. Either way, weight loss is weight loss and I'll take it!!!!!

I'm traveling this week. It should be interesting because food on the go normally does not equal very healthy. I did really well on Saturday on the road until about 9 pm. The kids were really good about us not stopping too much and I was really good about not having a lot of snacky/junk food in the car. But once I decided to try and drive all the way and it started getting dark, I was getting tired. We went through a McDonald's drive thru and got food for the kids. Well, that was the intention.

S wanted chicken, T wanted and I quote, "a burger. But I want two brown things and two pieces of cheese and ketchup. And I want the pattern to go like this...bread, brown thing, cheese, cheese, brown thing, bread."

Heeeheeee! Can you imagine that conversation through a drive thru speaker? Yes, I would like a double cheeseburger with ketchup only, but could you please assemble the burger the following way.....

Not happening. Food service workers are more likely to do horrible things to orders like that. Which reminds me, I need to share some of my Pizza Hut stories one of these days - not that I would ever do anything like that, of course. Muahhahaaaaaaaaa.

But I agreed to the double cheeseburger, so I figured I could get a kids meal for T, one for S, and then just a double cheeseburger. I could eat T's cheeseburger and we'd all be happy. And full. And have had our quota of fast food for the day.

I'm not exactly sure what happened next, but I ended up with a free double cheeseburger and iced tea from the McD's worker, who was a shameless flirt and looked like he was all of 12 years old. It's been a loooooong time since someone flirted with me who wasn't my husband. It was funny and strange and surreal. But somewhere down the road when I was trying really hard to stay awake and alert, I ate that double cheeseburger. And it was....kinda greasy and blech. And the karma diet gods? Probably really laughed when a big blob of ketchup from that flirty and free double cheeseburger landed squarely on my shirt. They also probably smirked when I felt yucky the entire next day. How did I ever, ever used to eat like that all the time?


Samantha said...

Glad you got there safe. What time did you arrive? And T is hilarious. Did he eat the entire double cheeseburger?

Brooke said...

Thanks, Sadie! Our hotel is right beside an Outback Steakhouse - talk about torture. I loooooooove Outback. Especially their salad. Yeah, I'm not sure why fast food always smells so much better than it tastes...but you are exactly right. And I loathe mayo, it's always a fun little game I play when visiting a drive thru called 'will they get my order right?' hahaa

Brooke said...

@Samantha - yep, he ate the whole thing and then he ate most of S's chicken nuggets and fries. I swear, I do not know where that boy puts all that food.

Brooke said...

@Samantha (again) - Thanks! we got here at midnight our time, 1 am local. I thought that was pretty good time. We stopped every couple hours. Once we hit Kentucky, it was a beautiful drive. I love driving through the mountains!