Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Workout Wednesday

The weather is getting nicer, and for some odd reason that makes it harder to be motivated in the gym. BF (before kids), I'd do things outside - walk, ride my bike, hike...but until the kids get a little older or until they are both in school, most of my attention while outside is too focused on the kids to be of any steady cardio benefit to me. Oh but how I love, love, love playing outside with the kids right now. And the way I look at it, any movement is beneficial. The weather here goes from really cold to really hot fairly quickly (at least it did last year), so I want to get all the outside time I can with the kids before it's too hot for me to enjoy it.

Last Thursday, we took the kids swimming and I tried to swim laps, but it just didn't work really well. No worries - I got in lots of exercise diving for dive sticks, racing T, swimming around with one or both kids hanging off my back. Does it still count as exercise if you having that much fun?

Friday my workout partner Kristine was back. We did some cardio and then some pyramid lifting with free weights, followed by some abs. My in laws came to visit for the weekend, so the kids and I jumped on the trampoline for a while before and after dinner. Friday night I spent most of the night in the ER, so I didn't workout on Saturday.

Sunday I walked a couple miles on the treadmill, then did some abs, then walked and trogged around the track.

Monday I hit the elliptical, then did the push-up/pull-up workout from P90X.

Tuesday I didn't go to the gym, but S and I played outside for about an hour and then I took the kids to the park after T got home from school. It wasn't dedicated cardio, but it sure was a lot of movement.

This morning, I hit the arc trainer for 35 minutes, did the bicep/tricep P90X workout (twice, thankyouverymuch), then did a few more laps around the track and some stretching.

Much less intense workouts after Friday night, but I'm waiting to talk the the doctor to make sure what my limits are - if I have any. I've been playing phone tag with the medical office since yesterday, so I'm hoping that I can have an answer by the end of today. Either way, I'm not going to stop working out unless I have to, and I'm hoping I can step my training back up by Friday. I miss pushing myself  and I don't want to lose any progress I've made. Lord knows it was an uphill battle to make it!

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