Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Workout Wednesday

Last night I drug my hiney to 7:30 pm Zumba. I can not ever remember having so much fun working out that hard....ever. Naturally, since it's right after the first of the year, Susan was teaching, and the newest season of The Biggest Loser has begun it was literally standing room only in there. I kid you not, I could not fully extend my arms without punching someone beside, in front of, or behind me. Most of the songs and routines were new too and while it took me a bit to catch on to some of them, best. workout. ever.

This morning I bounced into the gym all jazzed and inspired and got a great workout in just me, myself, and I. It's been awhile since I've done any serious weight training, and man oh man, tomorrow isn't going to be muscularly pleasant. But that's good, because I really pushed myself. A month ago, I don't think I would have. Progress! Definitely. Also? The fit test on the elliptical? Retook it and got average. This is way better than the incomplete the first time I took it and the series of poors and very poors I got for a while there. I credit my Sunday workout partner for making me jump rope and run, even though I bitch mightily about running. Which I am totally entitled to do because while she runs like a supermodel on a photo shoot (effortless and totally beautiful), my elephant stampeding gait and gasping for air heaving/breathing is not as pleasant to observe. Not really all that fun to be experiencing, but I'm bound and determined to get better.

And bit by bit and week by week? I do believe I am.

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