Monday, January 17, 2011

My first guest post - I think I won the blogging lottery!

Oh my gosh, you guys! Last week I logged onto Facebook and found a message from one of my favorite bloggers - Tatted Mom. She asked if I would guest post for her.

I danced around like a complete dork and then immediately replied yes. She's going to feature my post 'Peace, Love, and Two Tattoos' today, so be sure and check it out! Here is the link to her blog: The Inklings of Life

I'm really excited because it's immensely flattering to have you read my blog, but to be asked to actually post something I've written on someone else's very cool blog? Total blogger bliss.

So, while you are waiting for me to get my tushie in gear and finish my regular post, pop on over to Tatted Mom's blog and see what she (and I) have to say. And if you could throw her a vote at TopMommyBlogs (she has a vote button too), I'd be eternally grateful!

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