Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Well, that worked out beautifully.....


Our little planting experiment is having some interesting results. The flowers are already blooming, and they are beautiful. But they also smell, really, really bad. Like, have you ever found a sippy cup under a couch or chair that's been there a really, really long time? And then you open it up to see if the cup can be salvaged (btw, I no longer do this and this plant reminds me why) and there was just enough milk or juice to have turned into a science experiment? Remember the smell associated with that first blast of moldy cup air? That's what a paperwhite smells like to me. Concerned that maybe I was over reacting just a tad (who me?) I looked it up on the internet. The first site said it has a mild, pleasant smell. Really? Mild AND pleasant? Not good! If the smell isn't coming from the plants, then something either died or rotted. I watch Hoarders on A&E - I can't bring myself to entertain the notion, much less search out the source of the smell. Shudder. Shudder and gag.

So I went to the next site and to my great relief found that that author thinks they stink - kind of like e coli. I didn't realize e coli had a unique smell, so that's good to know. It also makes me very glad that I'm throwing out lost and abandoned sippy cups. Shudder. Gag. Sorry.....

Here is the dilemma. S and T are seemingly oblivious to the smell. R doesn't even really notice it. S and T demand that one of the two pots sit on the table with us when we eat. While I applaud their appreciation for centerpieces and pride in completed projects, this thing may be the death of me. I promise you I can smell it when I come down the stairs. The good news is that the smell makes me want to clean, so I keep Clorox wipe-ing down the counters and sink in addition to constantly bleaching the dishrags and towels. BLECH. Next time I'm going to spend the extra $2.50 and get some tulips or an amaryllis.

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