Saturday, February 20, 2010

Blinking cursor syndrome

Off and on today, I've been trying to think of things to write about.

I could talk about T waking up or some odd reason at 4:30 am, but being nice enough to watch a video in his room until a decent hour.

I could talk about trying to get some errands done only to have S be irritable and obnoxious through the first two stores.

I could talk about the family at Game Stop that was in front of the cashier for the entire time we were in the store before I found what I needed (I'm guessing about 10 minutes) and while I waited in line trying to manage S and her crappy, hateful attitude (I'm guessing about another 10 to 15 minutes) without actually losing my temper.

I could talk about failing to keep my temper and leaving Game Stop after tossing the gift cards down I'd been waiting to buy for about half an hour while a family of apparent idiots stood at the cashier and sent him running back and forth from the stockroom no less than seven times that I counted. And yes, I did start counting. Why, why, WHY was that necessary on a Saturday morning where there was only one visible employee and about 10 people behind you in line. 30 minutes? Really?!?!

I could talk about taking deep and steady breaths whilst dragging a kicking screaming two year old to the car, hoping that no one would call social services - which is probably the only thing that kept her alive. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. But it is the only thing that kept me from yelling 'FOR GODS SAKE, BE QUIET!" at her. Especially when she pulled away from me and ran towards the street. I'm not sure what it says about my parenting or my daughter's general disposition that running into traffic after throwing monster fits through Walmart and Game Stop seemed like a good idea.

I could talk about my personal triumph in calming myself down to go into a third store with both T and S by myself while R went to run an errand for work after the Game Stop fiasco. I also managed to get what I needed in the third store (which ironically was the exact same thing I was trying to buy in the second store - stupid cashier hogging family) without either of the kids throwing a fit or misbehaving. That credit goes directly to God, btw. I was at the end of my proverbial rope after store #2. As R aptly observed - why do you (S) have to do this (throw tantrums in public) every single time we go anywhere? Which, you know, isn't exactly accurate but sure seems like it some days/weeks/months.

I could talk about coming home and having S go down for a nap voluntarily and then sleep about 3 hours. So I guess I should not only make the connection about tired=tantrums, but also figure out how to fix that little issue even though she has refused to nap lately. Well, until today.

I could talk about taking the kids to the community pool this evening and having a great time.

Or I could mention that my blinking cursor syndrome has now turned into written diarrhea. Problem solved.

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