Monday, February 15, 2010

More snow? Really?!

Last night R went out to do an errand. Because I'm completely non concerned with what's going on weather wise until I have to be out in it myself, I was a little surprised to hear him say that not only was it snowing - again - but that the roads were really slick - and this was just after 6 pm.

We've been really lucky and haven't gotten nearly the amount of snow as our friends and family in Oklahoma or North Carolina, but even so, I'm getting tired of snow. I don't know when the turning point was that I went from loving to be out in snow to dreading it. I think it has a lot to do with how windy it is and whether or not I've had to shovel the snow. It might have something to do with paying the heating bill too. Just a thought...

This morning, because R is awesome, he shoveled the driveway, so when the kids wanted to go outside and play in it, I went out with them. Right in front of the house and in between our house and the one next door (not the one with the McNeighbors), it was cold, but bearable. The snow was too powdery to make into a snowman, so we settled for making a snow castle - which is basically a big lump of snow. I got some cups from the house so we could make some turrets, but S got tired of that really quickly and just used it to scoop snow onto the big pile we were creating. Hey, works for me!

T, in the meantime, was tramping through the snow leaving his boot prints as far and wide as possible. I tried to get them to make snow angels with me, but they're smarter than I am and refused. After about 20 minutes, they were cold enough to want to go inside. Well, that and I hyped up the idea of snow cream. Truth be told, it wasn't as good as I remembered. I know it wasn't just me because the kids didn't even finish theirs. Must be the global warming. Ha!

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