Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I can't believe I forgot to blog yesterday

Truth be told, I didn't totally forget. I thought about it around 11 pm as I was heading to bed and figured that it would bug me enough that I'd wake up at 2 am and figure out something to say. Apparently not because the next thing I remember is R telling me he was leaving for work and did I want him to set the alarm clock for 6? Yes, please!

The next thing after that I remember is T coming in and saying in a stage whisper, "Mommmmmmmmmmmyyyyyy. It's snowing!" Ugh. Snow. Again. I can't really complain because while we've had several days with snow here, the accumulation hasn't been anywhere near what the Southeast or other states in the Midwest have seen. (thank goodness!) Of course, then it hit me - T might not have school today. So I pry my eyes open and turn the TV to the one news channel I've memorized here (seriously - I have no idea what is going on with my mental block. I can't remember our local phone number, R's cell number, or his work number. And I keep trying to write South Dakota for a state instead of Illinois. How weird is that?) I watch and watch and watch for our school district to appear on the closed list, but I don't see it. Could it be? Could we be the one district (again, that I'm aware of) around here that isn't going to be closed or on a delay today? Not trusting the news, I go downstairs to check it out online -and holy crow! School is on. Fine by me - especially since T got all his valentines finished yesterday with no complaint whatsoever and we made a Valentine's bag to put them in. Hooray!

I get him fed, dressed, and brushed and off to school he goes on the bus - on time, with Valentines and book order all completed. And S and I? We get to shovel the driveway because I need the cardio and don't want to drive to the Y in this weather.

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