Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Workout Wednesday

Oooooooooooooooooooooooo yeah! Thanks mostly to the stomach flu last week, I'm down 5 pounds. The way I figure it, the stomach flu jump started it for me, but I maintained it. Which, considering the amount of candy lying around here and the batch of oatmeal cookies I made, is not too shabby.

Sunday I had a great cardio session. I don't think I've been that sweaty since my last Zumba class and man, it felt great. This lead to a shorter, but still intense cardio session on Monday. Also on Monday? I bench pressed 95 pounds! Talk about an endorphin high! I absolutely love lifting weights. But I also realize that I need to focus more on cardio if I'm going to lose weight. And considering I want to lose at least 80 more pounds, I'd better get to it.

The elliptical machine at the Y has a five minute fit test you can take. Just out of curiosity, I took it towards the end of my workout on Sunday. In a surprise that made me giggle, the machine stopped me at 4 minutes 15 seconds and scored me at 0. ::Snort!!::

Today I took it again and just like Sunday it was at the end of my workout. I got to finish today but my rating was "very low" and my score was 17.7 or something. I'm guessing that the range goes from 0 to 100. So if on Sunday I didn't even get to finish before the machine stopped testing me, then I take it as a huge sign of improvement that today I got to finish and got a score, even if the score was really, really bad. So I'm going to take it again on Friday and see what happens. I like the idea of being able to measure my progress against something, you know?


Samantha said...

You did maintain it! And, 95lbs?? WOW!!!

I'm all about cardio, too. I love getting my sweat on!

Does the Y have childcare? I'm thinking I need to drop the boy somewhere, anywhere...., and get my workout in! I need to mix up my routine.

Good for you!!!

Brooke said...

Thank you! :) They do. It's the only way I've been able to workout every day, to be honest. I love the child care staff too, but now a lot of the gyms are offering free child care with membership, so if there isn't a Y near you, there should be a Golds Gym or something similar that offers. I love that the most of the classes are free with membership. I'm thinking about trying TRX next. I'll keep you posted....