Sunday, November 14, 2010

What did you do today?

Today was busy! We got up, I used my new Shark steam cleaner to blast some gross dirt and grime from the kitchen and bathroom, piddled around with the kids, went to the gym, came back, took a shower, headed to a birthday party, got back just in time to get the kids to bed and start some laundry.

Hard to believe an entire day fits so nicely into a run on sentence.

As we were heading back home after the birthday party, I had to take S and T's balloons away because they thought it would be great fun to play punching balloons with them while R tried to drive.

Yeah, we didn't think so either.

Mylar balloons are surprisingly noisy when being punched, especially when in a small, enclosed space and when two kids, all hopped up on sugar and soda, are the ones doing the punching and laughing manically.

Once the balloons were out the picture, S started demanding things. First it was the balloon back (not happening), then it was her drink (she left hers at the party), then it was A drink, then it was...oh, who am I kidding? I stopped listening after she started hollering about getting her drink back when she was the one who refused to carry it.

S and I have lots of fun like this, but I knew tonight was a combination of being tired and too much sugar, so I just let her get it out of her system. Until she yanked on my hair. I told her that it hurt and not to do that again, so of course she yanks harder. I popped her hand before I could even truly realize that I'm reacting.

And cue the tears, as understandable as they were.

S: You hit me!
Me: I asked you not to pull my hair because it hurt and you did it again on purpose and even harder. So, yes. I popped your hand.
S: You make me cry!
Me: I understand why you are crying. It hurt when you pulled my hair, and it hurt when I popped your hand. Maybe we can agree to not hurt each other.
S: I don't like you right now.
Me: That's okay, sweetie. You don't always have to like me.



S: (who cannot take the silence) ABCDEFG HIJKWWP QRS TUZ W X Y Z Now I know my ABC's, next time next time sing with MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

Alrighty then.


Alicia Schell said...

now what would we do without the entertainment and dramatics of that little girl?!?!
Ill let you be the first to advise her to be an entertainer or something like that, with this talent she could make a nice retirement for you and ur hubby! HA! =)

Tattedmom said...

LMAO!! I just wanted to let you know I've listed you as one of my favorite blogs (The Versatile Blogger Award). Hope you come by to check it out and accept it!!


Samantha said...

LOL!! Love your posts!!

Also wanted to let you know I gave you an award on our blog :-)
Have a great night!