Sunday, July 11, 2010


Today we took the kids to their last gymnastics class. When this started I thought S would be the one into the classes and all excited about what she'd learn. And to a degree, I guess that was true. S loves more of the tada! aspect of gymnastics. As in, TADA! I didn't do a thing the instructor asked me, but I finished with panache. S? Has the finishing part down.

T, on the other hand, is good at all the in between stuff. You know, that stuff that you actually need to be able to do to be considered a gymnast. Not to the extent that I'm willing to hire Bella Karolyi, but good enough that they are moving him along to the next level.

After gymnastics, we went home for lunch. I woke up feeling less than stellar this morning, and by noon, I had a wicked headache. We wanted to get T's hair cut today and to do a few errands, but once we got home, I was pretty much useless. And then, a friend of mine called to ask if R and I could help her fix something at her house. So we headed over there around 1:30 to help her. By the time we finished, it was almost 4 so we headed out to get T's haircut before missing the grand opportunity. If T is not in the frame of mind to have his hair cut, it's in your best interest to not do so. Just trust me on this.

As we pulled up to the hair cutting place, I noticed that there was a nail salon a few doors down. Hmmmm....what better way to wait for R and T to get haircuts than to have your nails painted? So, S and I went into the nail salon and I got a basic (and much overdue) manicure and S got her nails painted. I was amazed that she sat there on my lap all calm and happy for the whole thing. She loved everything about it, the little diva, and chose a really cute shade of pink for her nails. Once we were done, we walked over to the barbers where T and R were just finishing up. T had told us he wanted a Mohawk, which I was all in favor of. And why not? I think Mohawks are adorable, and since T is already adorable, a Mohawk would just make him extra adorable. Plus, as uptight and strict as I am about so many things, hair just isn't one of them. R doesn't exactly share that philosophy, but so far it hasn't been a problem.

Flexibility. It isn't just for gymnastics.


Sadie said...

Does he like his new mohawk?

Brooke said...

He does. I spiked it for him this morning and he was all excited about having it stick up again. I'll take a pic and post it tomorrow when we do his hair.