Monday, July 12, 2010

That's Mrs. CrabApple to you

This morning, I woke up with a horrific headache and a crappy attitude. I dread days like this. I don't know if I've had a dream that propels me into this type of snit or maybe it's just leftover nastiness fighting its way to the surface. But one thing I can tell you is that when I wake up like this, it's in everyone's best interest for me to avoid contact with others until I get a grip. Sometimes I can do this pretty quickly. Sometimes I can not. Guess which way today went?

I drag my grumbly, hateful self to the shower. Where I have to shave, because, well, it had been a while. Harrumph. I get out and go through the ritual - moisturizer, sunscreen, hair, deodorant, dental hygiene, and dressing. UGH. Clothes. I have a closet full of clothes and nothing I wanted to wear. And that is just flat out ridiculous. If I'm not going to wear them, then why are they hanging in my closet? Oh, right, because me walking around naked? Not a good idea. Ever.

So now I'm crabby, headachy, and irritated that I can't just build a mental bridge and get over it. Best thing for me to do? Go back to bed. I flop across the top and realize that with a monster headache that is not such a good idea. Then I feel all guilty because R has gotten up with the kids and I can occasionally hear some raised voices/screeching/loud complaining. And not only do I not want to deal with it, I really don't care. Bad Mommy!

About 15 minutes later, the guilt gets the better of me and I clomp downstairs. Everyone is fine down there, of course. The kids don't even notice I've made an appearance, so I flop down on the couch, you know, to be unobtrusive. I'm mature like that. Before long, I go back upstairs (no one was sorry to see me go), take some Advil, and wait for the headache, cramps, and crabbiness to pass. Before I know it, it's after 1, and we are going to see the open house of a friend of mine. So we all pile into the car and go. The kids are well behaved for the first 5 minutes and then all bets are off. So, we leave the open house and go to another one, because we like to torture ourselves that way. After we leave the second open house we run a few errands and then head home. And yes, I'm still crabby.

Later that afternoon, a friend of ours stops by with her daughter since they are in town for the weekend. Somewhere between my second dose of Advil and playing with the baby, I get over my crabbiness. Seriously? It took all day to shake it. That's just sad. So to celebrate my lack of crabbiness, my headache returned times seven. And I? Hid in a dark room until it was time to tell the kids goodnight. But at least I wasn't crabby, right?

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