Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Who's in charge here?

For the past couple of days, I haven't been feeling great. Sunday was the great Crab-a-thon, and every morning since I've woken up with a stuffy, runny nose and scratchy throat. At first I figured the scratchy throat was a side effect of the stuffy nose and breathing through my mouth while sleeping. I know I've been doing this because I'll occasionally snore (okay, fine, ,more like snort) and wake myself up. I also know because of the drool. Classy. But my sore throat never seems to get better, so I guess I've got a good case of something else.

This morning in the shower, the steam opened up my sinuses and it lasted a pretty decent amount of time, but once the meds wore off, man do I feel beat up and useless. Maybe listless is a better description because I can feel useless without feeling under the weather. heh.

Anyway, this morning T had no interest in going to day camp. I had no interest in dealing with a meltdown. It's only for three hours, we've already paid for it, and he's going. Period. I relayed this information to him in a much kinder and gentler way. T still didn't take it well. I even tried logic - I'm going to work out anyway, so he'd end up at the Y either way. T does his impression of a flopping wet noodle onto the floor and flails about moaning and groaning and crying about how he doesn't want to go. I am too focused on trying to breathe through my nostrils to pay much attention, especially since he thinks he will get to sit around and play Super Mario Brothers if we stay home. That's what you think, buddy!

So I let him finish expressing himself, since that's what I'm calling it these days, and calmly told him to finish getting ready, and miracle of all miracles - he did. And, while he wasn't exactly overjoyed about going to camp today, he wasn't crying or pouting when I left either. I took that as a good sign and went to workout.

I also picked the kids up a little early. They were outside eating lunch under a shelter, so it took me a minute to figure out where they were. As I walked up, one of the counselors went to get the sign in/out sheet, so T apparently took it upon himself to fill in for her and he jumped up and announced that there would be no sharing food and that every one needed to make sure and pick up after themselves. The best part of his little speech? He started it off with, "Listen up, everyone. Everyone ::clap, clap:: look at me."

The other two counselors started to giggle, so I'm guessing this isn't the first time T has asserted his...umm...leadership skills. I'm also guessing that these leadership skills get shot down about as soon as they appear, which also explains the whole "I don't want to go" thing this morning. It's my version of the ironic circle of life. Interesting. I wonder what will happen tomorrow.


Samantha said...

Once again, T has me chuckling with his antics. He's definitely a born leader.

Sadie said...

yay, the total feed worked in my reader! Thank you, now I can be clandestine...until I have to come over to post comments but I can manage that!

T is awesome. I love how you call tantrums "expressing himself". I think I'm going to say that from now on.

Brooke said...

Seriously? I am not sure if he's going to try to rule the world or crush it. His latest fixation is super hero versus super villian. Or, as he calls it, super eeeeviiillllll. The Mario Brothers game feeds this obsession. See what happens when I try to find a wholesome indoor family activity? I think I need to stick to sprinklers and slip n slides.

Sadie - SO glad the total feed got fixed. :)