Wow! I did not realize that it had been so long since I blogged. I was doing really well there for a while too.
S0! Tonight I fixed a pot of soup for dinner. Sometimes the kids will eat it, sometimes not. But it's a healthy and quick way to get a lot of veggies and low calories involved in a meal - always a bonus. T, who'd lost his train privileges for a couple days due to poor attitude and a refusal to clean up his toys, had gotten his trains and tracks back and was enraptured by them. So much so that when I asked him if he wanted a sandwich or soup for dinner, he said, "no - T play with choo choo tracks!" and I clarified, "you are going to play with your tracks and trains instead of eating?" "Yeeesssss!" came the emphatic reply.
Okay by me. So S and I start to eat dinner, I get her to eat a sandwich and about half a bowl of soup, which is pretty good for her and soup. We are almost finished with dinner and T runs into the kitchen and sees the bread he picked out at the grocery store yesterday. "OOOH! T want bread on sandwich!" he shouts and decides to get it out by himself. There was also peanut butter and jelly out on the counter. Usually when he does this, he puts ketchup on one piece of bread, mustard on a another and eats that as his sandwich. So, I was expecting to hear the refrigerator door open and see the ketchup and mustard being plopped down on the table. After about a minute, I realize it's quiet - no refrigerator door being opened, no plopping. I look up and T is making himself a pb&j. Oh, lordy. I open my mouth to tell him to stop and then I actually "see" him and he's doing just fine. Well, fine if you don't mind big blops of pb and j on your bread instead having them spread out evenly. Even the counter didn't sustain too much damage.
And he did all this without standing on a chair. Wow! So he smushes the two pieces of bread together and devours the sandwich. AND - he put the lids back on the jars. He's doing better than me!

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