She was quite nice as we chatted a bit over the phone and we set up his appointment for today at 9 am. When I woke up this morning, I looked out the window and to my utter surprise it was snowing. SNOW!!!!!! It will be easy to get Mr. T out of the house today, but it may not be so easy to get him in the car. Fortunately the evaluation was at the elementary school just across the street from where we live, so walking would work out just fine.

When we got outside, T ran around and jumped in the snow, shuffled through the snow, stomped in the snow, kicked the snow, tried to throw the snow at me but he didn't remember to make it into a ball and the wind blew it all back into his face. That was the temporary end of T's love for all things snow. "Cooooooooooold!!!!" he shouted and ran up to me and buried his face in my shirt. So, we drove to the school, bad American over-consumers and global warmers that we are. Plus we had a package to pick up at the post office on the other base. And the stroller was buried in the back of the car under a pile of junk.
When we got to the school, we headed to the same room where the showdown happened a month or so ago. When T saw we were headed to THAT room, he stopped dead in his tracks and looked at me like he'd been betrayed.
"Come on," I urged him, "it's not what you are thinking. It's not with the same lady. Really!"
T looked skeptical. So we went in and Laurel, the physical therapist was there. Aaaannnnnd so was the Major. "Crap!" I thought. Fortunately, the Major was working with another little boy and Laurel came right up to us. I introduced myself and the kids to her. She showed me more forms I needed to fill out and told me that she'd be evaluating T on some things he should be able to do and some he should not be able to do, and not to worry if he couldn't do some of them. T was hanging back warily eyeing the Major, who was aware of us but wasn't speaking either. Within a few minutes, the Major left.
T relaxed a bit once the Major was gone, but it still took him some time to warm up to Laurel. Once she played with him, though, he was really cooperative until it hit him he was being evaluated (and how he knew that or what that meant, I have NO idea) and then he'd balk for a minute or two, then calm down and do what she asked. All things considered, it went well and she has no concerns about his motor skills (at least none that she admitted to me). S had a blast as well, with all that room to move and all the 'big girl' toys to get into. I even managed to get the paperwork filled out there, instead of bringing it home to do - which is a first.

And, (imagine a smug look on my face here), the Major walked back into the room when T was refusing to walk backwards and getting upset about being asked to do it. She was still there a minute later when he (dare I say it) self soothed and did it anyway. HA!!!!!!
Onto the next step...
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