So, this morning I woke up thinking - I don't know that S has any green to wear. Everything we've found for her has been pretty much shades of pink and purple. Then I remembered that we bought her an outfit size 18 months for the jacket. But it has pants with them and they are green! Looking for the pants in her closet, I came across the summer dress I got her from Old Navy (on sale for 7.50 YAY!) and realized it was green, too. While I am extremely conservative in the way that I dress, I figure I can have a little fun with the kids. The greens totally don't match, but I gotta say, S rocks the look. And really, I'm not sure why I was even concerned about it because I don't think Germans celebrate St. Patricks Day.

We are in that in between phase with T - where he sometimes takes a nap and sometimes doesn't. No nap means he's a grouchy little thing in the evening, but he goes to bed more easily and sleeps through the night. This morning, he comes in my room around 7 am in a really good mood. I love these mornings, where he's happy and rested and ready to start the day. As I got up and took a shower and started to get S ready, T comes back into the living room and says, "T changed 'per!!!" ('Per is T slang for diaper). I look and sure enough - he changed his own diaper. Now, THAT'S a great way to start the day. Now if we can just gear him in baby steps to start going potty in the potty. I realize - all things in due time and he'll do it when he's ready. And I have to admit, I don't mind the diapers. With diapers you don't have to worry about finding a potty, although in Germany it's totally accepted for guys to sidle up to any bush, tree, or heck - blade of grass and let it fly. I don't want to get T used to this because when we go back to the states, that would be a hard lesson to un-learn.

So, now he's putting on his own shoes and socks, changing his own 'per, washing his hands without a battle, getting undressed by himself and mostly getting dressed by himself. I am so proud! And, since the kids are in bed, the dishes are done and the floor has been swept today, I'm going to bed too!
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