Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Today, after dropping off T at school, checking on our friend Sam's temporary cat (she's cat sitting for her boss), and attending an interview about T at the elementary school (more on that later), S and I decided to take a leisurely stroll through the Commissary. By the way, why on earth can't they call it the grocery store for pete's sake?!? One of the things I miss most about the states are the grocery stores. Wide aisles, better selection, non-expired food for sale... it's such a pleasure to just look at all the different products. Sigh. We'll be back one day. I hope.

All we really needed was milk but I just wandered around the aisles mainly to try and see if there were any good bargains. We get paid on Friday and my major purchases will be made then. We have had great weather lately, it's been sunny and in the upper 40s or lower 50s. Still, I was surprised to see a guy walking around in the Commissary in shorts and a t-shirt. Maybe they moved here from an even colder climate - like Antarctica. He noticed S, who was practicing her wave at people who passed by, and talked to her and made her giggle. Since she was tired, it was pretty amazing that he could actually get her to giggle. The only person that's been able to do that easily so far is T. We finished wandering and headed to the self checkout line, and I noticed the guy standing in line. He waved at S and she waved back. Then a lady with a small child walked up behind him in line. When he noticed her, he insisted that she go ahead of him, saying that he was retired and had all day while she had a small child. I heard this and debated about climbing up on the self checkout belt and yelling, "HEY! Did you hear this man?!?!!? THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT PEOPLE! SMALL ACTS OF RANDOM KINDNESS. IT CAN BE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!"

But I didn't climb up on the self checkout belt. I'm not convinced that it wouldn't loudly announce my weight to the entire store like it does the prices of the products you buy. "THREE NINETY FIVE. SIXTY-FOUR CENTS. THIS COMMISSARY PATRON WEIGHS _______" Oh HO - you didn't actually think I was going to announce how much I weigh, did you? HA!!! I also doubted that anyone here would have a clue - or recognize that small acts of kindness can sometimes make the difference between a really bad day and a really good one.

I tried to catch his eye to tell him thank you. After the last month or so that I've had, I doubt he'll ever understand how much that one random act of kindness did to restore my faith in human nature - well, except for the human nature in this building, which is just....beyond help. But you can't win 'em all, can ya? At least I know there's someone out there (on this base) willing to lend a hand just because they want to. Hats off to you, Mr. Shorts in 40 degree weather man. Hats off to YOU!

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