It's already Wednesday. I should be glad in certain respects that time is moving by so quickly, but wow! somedays it's hard to keep up.
Our trip Saturday to Monschau went well. T pretty much behaved, given that he missed his nap and it was a totally new experience. He was soaked from the knees down from sloshing around in all the snow. Since there was no snow where we lived, I was really glad I over-prepared (other than snow boots and a change of pants, shoes, and socks for T). I usually don't even wear a coat and I would have frozen. They say cold weather speeds up your metabolism - how cold does it have to be to lose 20 pounds in a four hour visit? I can dream, right? The answer is probably too cold for human life to exist, despite the amount of blubber encasing the outside.

Anyhow, the kids and I spent a wonderful day Sunday just puttering around the house and doing errands. I scheduled T for a Child Find screening this week - to check on what I perceive to be his behavioral and speech issues. He, of course, refused to cooperate in any way, shape, or form, so now the testing has been moved up to the next level - autism spectrum screening. I've suspected that he may be mildly autistic for some time. I've also been told he wasn't by three different agencies - but I suppose that's neither here nor there.
Getting dealt that blow to my currently fragile reality - well - it's not the worst thing ever to happen, but it's not the best, either. However, I have faith that God will not be given more than I can handle, nor will he forsake me in my times of need. If I need to be tested to the limit to prove that to myself, then so be it. The important thing is that T gets the help he needs and I figure out a way to deal with his issues better than I seem to be able to right now.
So - for those friends and family that read this and have offered your unwavering support, please keep it coming just a little while longer. I know that this too, shall pass, but it sure seems like a looooooooong ride right now.
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