Wednesday, June 8, 2011

it's a quickie, but that totally counts, right?

The kids and I are in North Carolina, hanging with family.

Seriously? As vacations go, this has been pure bliss. I do wish there were about 10 more hours in a day, but that's something that always seems to be on my 'wouldn't it be nice' list.

We've been here for almost two weeks now, we are leaving on Saturday to head home via a stopover in Clarksville, Tn to see my in laws.

Sometimes this stay at home mom thing really rocks.

I've been Zumba-ing my little heart out (and not so little ass off) at a local fitness center and I feel amazing! The instructors here? Tough without actually trying to kill you and the routines are varied so it's always new and fun. So, fine, I'm admitting it. Workout wise, cardio trumps weight lifting - at least for me at the moment. I haven't even gotten out my Jillian Michaels DVD. Sorry, Jill. I still love you. Really I do.

Alrighty then. Time to wake up the kiddos and start my day (with more Zumba, natch).

Be back soon.

Pinky swear.

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