Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I'm back!

Holy holey sneakers Batman! What a couple of weeks it's been!

First - Lee came for a visit. Lee is that unique hybrid of friend-who-morphs-into-family that, if you're lucky, you get one of in your life. I've got Lee, but also my dear friend/sister Chris. I don't know how I got lucky enough to have these two amazing people in my life, but I'm grateful for both of them every. day.

I've known Lee now for over two decades. Half my life. That's crazy to stop and think about. So when he texted me that he was coming ::for certain:: for a visit I was so very happy. One of the things I love most about being able to see Lee is that I just...relax. I become less stressed, I laugh easier (especially at myself. Ask him about the cookie story), and I'm just very go with the flow.

It blows my mind to remember in this life that I used to be so go with the flow in that life. I could use a little bit more of that life in this life. I'm working on it. It's that whole balance thing again. Of course, in this life, I get a lot more done because I don't procrastinate as much, so there's a trade off  - as there usually is.

We spent Friday in St. Louis and were lucky enough to have incredible weather. We saw the Arch then we walked to Union Station, grabbed some lunch, then walked back. It was wonderful.

Sunday morning I woke up knowing that I was getting sick. Not just with a cold, either. I drug myself to Zumba at two and somehow made it through the class. And that's pretty much all I remember until Thursday when I could think straight again. So I guess it was the flu since I felt like I'd been hit by a very, very large truck and my fever would not go away. I probably slept 18 out of 24 hours a day and my dreams were really, really, really weird.

That the kids survived this with me is a testament to how awesome they are. I know I didn't cook all week - I vaguely remember microwaving chicken nuggets one night and Sara announcing that they tasted 'yucky!'. I'm pretty sure they survived most of the week on cereal (until we ran out of milk), cookies, chips, and carrot sticks. Oh, and apples. We had a bunch and now we have two left. Friday night I actually cooked and Tucker said, "Really!?! We're having actual food tonight?!?!"

Ouch. It must have been worse than I thought.

But these are the things you look back on years later and laugh about. At least, I hope so.

And on Friday, I had a double rainbow over my house in the morning. Surely a sign that everything was going to be just fine.

And you know what? So far, so good.

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