Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Moving on

One of the things about being a military family is that you get used to saying goodbye pretty quickly. For me, at least, it seems like almost every time I meet someone that I really, truly click with they move within a year. It doesn't make the friendship any less solid, it's just something that's always in the back of my mind "she's leaving soon, drat it!". In one way, I think it's beneficial because I tend to try and make the most of the time I have before they move, but in another way, there's always a little hole in my heart when they leave. For the first few months, we'll stay in touch and then we'll slowly stop emailing or updating each other. It's sad, but I am grateful because for these few women that I have met and developed friendships with, it's made my life here better, richer, more bearable during the ups and downs.

Friendships were something I always took for granted without even knowing it. When I lived in NC, I had the fortune to meet some amazing and wonderful people along the way and I formed some amazing friendships. Of course, since that's what I was used to, I didn't really appreciate it for what it was or realize how rare it was. Now that we've been gone for almost six years (gosh, it doesn't seem possible), and since we've been stationed at a base that seems to be filled (at least from my experiences) mostly with women that make me want to dunk my head in the nearest toilet so I don't have to deal with the drama and hypocrisy that mere socializing seems to involve - I've developed a true appreciation for those few women that have truly touched my life. With them, I don't have to be anything but myself and they accept me as I am both good and bad. For those of you that read this blog (and I really hope you know who you are) thanks for being my sounding board, psychologist, support system, cheering squad and most importantly my friend.

As my friend J just left, she asked me if I wanted her baking supplies since the movers couldn't pack them and it didn't make sense to ship them. I went over to her house last week and was surprised to see five large bags full of stuff. They sat in the car for a few days, then we moved them into the house were they sat by the door for a few days and I finally got around to going through them today. I now have more baking stuff than I'll be able to use before we leave here, so thank you J! You've only been gone a few days, but you are missed :( and not just because of all the sugar. LOL!

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