Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Let it spray, let it spray....

Alrighty. One out of diapers, one to go. It was a long road, lemme just tell ya. But, as I thought, T took a page from Elvis and Frank and did it his way. Of course it was always going to be when he was good and ready and not one second before. Glad to see that I had a handle on the reality of the situation. LOL.

Yesterday morning we were downstairs and he goes into the bathroom. No big deal. A few minutes later, I go in and I'm like - what is that smell? And then it hits me - it's hairspray. Which, since I never wear it, was an odd thing to smell down there. Odd, but maybe it's from 80's night a couple weeks ago since I used a LOT of hairspray that night. I take a quick shower, get out and there is T - spraying hairspray. What the heck? Then it hits me - he thinks it's air freshener. This winter our house stayed so closed up that I felt it smelled stale, so I bought air freshener for the house. Plus, with all those diapers around, you never know when you can no longer smell them but other people can. Actually, I didn't realize it until Mom visited last year and SHE walked around spraying air freshener, but that's neither here nor there. So then I take a good look around and I's EVERYWHERE. We have a bidet and what I thought was just a coating of dust I needed to take care of was actually dust + hairspray. It's all over the sink and the floor and the walls. Luckily, the entire bathroom is tiled. So I started to wipe it up and realized that this has been going on for a while. Water is the universal solvent, and hot water can clean most house related things, so I started the clean up process. Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. That particular brand of hairspray, when being cleaned up with water (hot or not), turns into a type of....slime. Good to know I've been putting that on my hair. Remember Aqua-Net? It was way worse than that. All things considered, it took several attempts to get what I hope was most of it cleaned up and I was smart enough to put the hairspray somewhere T can't reach it. Fun stuff. At least he didn't coat his sister in hairspray, right?

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