Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Snarky McSnarkified O'Snarky

Good googlie-mooglie. I pose this question to all women, everywhere.

Why, oh why can we not just freakin' get along? This is what I HATED about high school. I've got news ladies - nobody's perfect. Including me! Of course, I'm not of the deluded set that actually thinks I'm perfect (thank goodness!). I love my flaws. They make me more interesting.

Seriously now, cut it out and BE NICE. Let's use our kindergarten rules: Share, do unto others, don't lie, and absolutely no running with scissors.

D'oh! Sadly, the people that need to see this aren't going to read it, or on the off chance that they do read it, they won't believe it's about them. Sheesh! Snap out of it already.

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