Thursday, January 29, 2009

Just keeping it interesting...

Last week was a crazy kind of busy. By Thursday, the kids and I were tired of errands and each other. There wasn't a spot in day care for them on Wednesday, so I tried to space out the stuff I needed to do over a couple of days. No matter how good your kids are, there's a limit to how much they can take. That's true of me too, come to think of it...

Anyway, I had an Executive Board meeting with the MOMS Club Thursday night at 6:30 so R and I planned that I would meet him at work, we'd have dinner with the kids and he'd head home with the munchkins and I'd go to the meeting. Which actually reminds me that I need to make some phone calls and send some emails (making a note to do that first thing tomorrow). The bus drops T off right around 3-ish. I usually give him a snack, spend about 15 minutes just with him, then we wake up S from her nap and the normal chaos resumes.

The challenge Thursday was that I had to get the kids into the car and to base in time to do a few errands and then meet R when he got off work. The reality was that nothing went according to plan, but what else is new? I needed to have the kids in the car ready to hit the road by 4 if I was going to get any errands done. So what time did I get the kids in the car? Oh...around 4:30ish. On the way out the door (and I will never understand how I can take a shower, dry my hair, slap on some make-up, get dressed and be in the car before the kids can manage to get down the stairs, put on their shoes and coats and out the door). I know it was close to 4 when we headed for the stairs. I'm sure it went something like this:

Me: Come on. Coats, shoes, hats and gloves. Let's head for the stairs!
T: Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy!
Me: What is it?
T: S is screaming.
Me: Yes, I hear that. Come on, let's go. We're going to be late.
Me: Come on, S. T, go down and put on your shoes and coat.
T: Put on my shoes?
Me: Yes, coat and shoes please.
T: Put on my coat and shoes?
Me: Yes, please. Hurry up.
S: (loud shrieking)
Me: S, stop that! Let's go.
T: I want to take my ______________.
Me: Fine, but you have to carry it.
T: I don't want to carry it.
Me: Then don't take it.
T: No,YOU carry it.
Me: Lookit! I've got the diaper bag, S's shoes, my hands are full. If you want to carry _____, then you will have to carry it yourself.
S: (more shrieking)
Me: (now sighing loudly) If you don't want to carry it, then leave it here.
T: NO!!!!!!!!!! I WANT IT.
Me: Then bring it but you have to carry it.
S: Mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy
Me: Come on, S, T. Let's go. (I'm actually at the top of the steps now) See, I'm going down the steps. Let's go...
(the sound of me trying not to stomp down the steps)
SMACK! (whatever T wanted to bring is now dropped over the stair rail)
Swoosh! (I slide it under the steps with my foot)
Thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk, T comes thudding down the steps.
S: Waaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Me: Come on S. You can get down the steps yourself.
S: (screaming and crying)
T: Leave S alone!
Me: Put on your shoes, please.
Me: Okay, put on your boots then.
S: still crying

five minutes later.....

Me: T, don't go outside until we are all ready to go.
T: I'm hungry!
Me: Yes, I know. We are going to meet Dad for dinner. S, sit down please so I can put on your shoes.
T: She doesn't want to put on her shoes.
Me: Well, that's too bad. I don't want to go insane, yet here I go anyway.
T: Gone sane?
Me: something like that
T: Oh, yeah, yeah. Sane.
Me: Okay, let's go get in the car.

Open door, kids scatter... five minutes later....

T: Mom! I got juice!
Me: Umm, thanks. (Pokes the straw into the juice box and hands one to each kid) Buckle your seat belt, T.
T: Okay.
(I go and close the door to the fridge and the house)
Me: Okay, everyone ready?
T: Yes!
S: more shrieking
Me: we go!

I put the car in reverse and look over my shoulder to see T dumping out the remnants of his juice over his seat and the floor of the car.

Me: What?!?! What are you DOING?!?!
T: (jerks his head up in a jock nod and winks at me) Just keepin' it interesting....
Me: (momentarily stunned speechless)
Me: You know what's interesting? You cleaning up the car when we get home.
T: Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

He's not even five.


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