Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Our soon to be new home

From the driveway looking towards the street

The front of the house from the driveway

The front door and the garage

The backyard, fenced in and landscaped

The back of the house


Carolina Bleu said...

I SOOOOOOOO wanna come for a visit! When we were stationed in England my girls were little like your youngins and you KNOW what it's like traveling around under THOSE circumstances! NOT. FUN!

I remember talking to my Mom on the phone and she'd ask me, "Hey, did you go see this or that or whatever?" and I'd tell her, "MOM! I have two toddlers ten months apart. Are you INSANE?"

Brooke said...

LOL! I saw a picture today on TMZ.com (I think) of Michelle Williams chasing her toddler down a NYC street. And I thought - thank goodness it's not just me. One of the gals that works with R keeps telling us how we should do this or that and I laugh and laugh as I imagine the two of us dragging the two of them through anywhere crowded, quiet, expensive, or child unfriendly. Pardon me for a moment as I wipe away the tears of laughter that are rolling down my cheeks as I contemplate those scenarios.

Some people have kids that are calm and quiet and always well behaved. Me? Well, my kids have spirit and stubborness and excellent vocal cords. I'll sacrifice seeing a church or museum or two if it helps retain my sanity or keeps me out of foreign jail. Heh.

Carolina Bleu said...

Amen, sister! My girls were "spirited" too. I have NO idea where they got THAT from!

Seriously, I'll start putting away bail money. If you need me to spring you from the "pokey", as Aunt Mattie called it, I'm THERE!