I love Fall. It's my favorite season hands down. Warm days, cool nights, crisp, non-humid air, all the colors...I love it. The beginning of school always signifies the start of Fall, even if Fall won't truly start for another month..or two..possibly three.
Living in Asheville, Fall is beyond spectacular. I could wax poetic for hours about it, but I'll spare you.
This might be our last Fall here, so I'm fully prepared to squeeze all the life I can out of this Fall.
Starting with this whole no-bake pumpkin cheesecake deliciousness. As I clicked on the link to see the recipe I found myself mental checking the ingredients off:

Cream cheese? Check!
Pureed pumpkin? Check!
Sugar-free cheesecake flavored jello instant pudding? Check!
Pumpkin pie spice? Check!
Cool Whip? Check!
Condensed sweetened milk? No...shoot!
My next trip to the grocery store, I picked up the one ingredient I didn't have and tonight...dun dun dun...I made it.
It was super quick and easy to do. The original recipe called for a graham cracker crust, but I skipped it.
As I was assembling everything together, I noticed a pattern. The cream cheese had a use by date of August 10. The pumpkin had a use by date of April. The pudding had a use by date of March.
It smells divine. It smells...well, like Fall. And being the loving wife I am, I let Robert try it first. When he didn't drop dead or barf or fall to the ground clutching his stomach in the first 10 seconds, I tasted it too.
It tastes divine too.
It'll probably be okay. Right?
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