Monday, February 9, 2009

I'm out of my league already

So, two weeks ago, I had a serious conversation with God. I found myself yelling at the kids way more than I was comfortable with, and it was having the opposite effect of what I was trying to achieve. Instead of making them listen or behave or do what I wanted, it just made them louder and more defiant. So in this talk with God, I admitted all the things that I knew of that I was doing wrong and threw in a miscellaneous category for anything I had not realized or had forgotten. I asked for help because I'm obviously not doing great on my own.

Since then things have slowly but steadily gotten better. This morning, however, the kids are not listening well and I've found myself struggling a couple of times to remain calm and act like the grownup I should be instead of the teenage brat I often feel like. The kids have both been in time out at least twice before 10 am. That's usually not a good sign.

So after they had lunch, we were in the living room playing and T reaches out and kicks at S. This has to be the 15th time I've caught him doing this this morning. As I put him (calmly) in time out again and explain that we don't kick, hit, pinch, punch, slap, smack, push, shove, head butt, manhandle, or commit any other type of physical aggressiveness or bodily harm, S saunters over to T in the time out area to aggravate him. (sigh) As I'm removing S from the situation, T looks up and says, "Hey, hey, hey....this isn't your problem." I have to bite my lip and turn away to keep from laughing.

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