My last post on Occasional Dose of Dahl was at the beginning of 2017. It's been an eventful three years, three months, and thirteen days.
Everything and nothing has changed. Military retirement, a move across the country, both kids are (gulp) teenagers and one of them is driving. Covid-19, social distancing, sheltering in place, oh my!

But through it all, the one nagging thing in my head was how much I missed writing on this blog. Can you ever go back home? Dunno. Maybe, just like we are all settling into a new 'normal', this will be a similar yet different Occasional Dose of Dahl. We'll see. I
can say this is less about the kids and their shenanigans and more about life in general in the Charleston, SC area.
Sidebar:: it is impressive that the kids survived my parenting, no? Or maybe that I survived their adolescence? It's up for debate, for sure.
So, if any of you are still out there and willing to read my nonsense - thanks and welcome. Feels good to be back!